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MTG Media Database

First created in 1989, The continuously updated Media Database is the leading source of contact information for buyers and sellers of screen media.

The Database is not sold to the public.  Rather, it is the source of data for our Custom Email Services.

The Database tracks the genres, media, territories and markets attended by media professionals--and whether the contact is the principa

It also designates a key contact at each company for each activity (i.e. principal buyer, seller or producer, etc.)  See Special Features for additional details.

Inventory by Activity 
5 February
Companies Contacts Contacts attending any market event since 1 January 2007
13,329 42,559 All Activities
5,870 17,033 Buyers
3,493 15,190 Sellers
5,812 7,074 Creative
--- 839      Development
--- 6,175      Production
1,472 3,860 Others.  (Service Providers, Film Festivals, etc.)